
Springfield Missouri's trusted in-home health care provider for senior adults needing a variety of services including basic care management, specialized care, and therapy and holistic care.

Raising the standard of care Starts with you!

Founded by care providers, we believe creating better jobs results in better care.

Springfield Missouri's trusted in-home health care provider for senior adults needing a variety of services including basic care management, specialized care, and therapy and holistic care.


[ ver-i-tas, -tahs ]

noun, Latin.


Veritas can be defined as the ultimate state of self-actualization; the ultimate state of fulfillment to oneself, one's vision, and one's greater community.​

This meaning serves as the foundation of our organization, its mission, vision, and values. As an employer we strongly believe in operating in a transparent way with employees we strive to create a culture of compassion and accountability. We believe that providing care and support to someone in their home is important and personal. Our employees, clients, and their loved ones can trust us to honor our commitment to them.

We are committed to our Care Team and provide them with the tools and resources needed to provide exceptional care and services with a strong focus on organizational culture.  We encourage employees to live their own cause and purpose while serving their community. Our commitment to preparing our Care Team allows clients to remain in their home as their care needs change. 

The truth of this work is that it is difficult, but it is also imperative, and our ability to care for our society’s most vulnerable is a measure of our humanity.

Springfield Missouri's trusted in-home health care provider for senior adults needing a variety of services including basic care management, specialized care, and therapy and holistic care.

Interested in joining our Care Team?

You may be a great fit for Veritas Home Care if you seek: 

  • A culture of compassion, trust, growth, and accountability

  • Rewarding yet hard work and the commitment to caring for others

  • Training that exceeds industry standards and endsures staff feel confident in meeting the needs of their clients

  • A shared decision-making organizational structure allowing our Care Team to be part of organizational decisions

  • Above average pay

Better care starts with YOU